Essentials Microsoft Azure AZ-900

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 course is designed to cover the concepts and skills included in the AZ-900 exam, and enhance participants’ knowledge of public cloud concepts, and explore core Azure services, and review key options and resources to improve their ability to effectively plan and manage Azure costs.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 course is designed to cover the concepts and skills included in the AZ-900 exam, and enhance participants’ knowledge of public cloud concepts, and explore core Azure services, and review key options and resources to improve their ability to effectively plan and manage Azure costs.
The AZ-900 test is designed for candidates with non-technical backgrounds. such as those who are involved in buying or selling cloud-based solutions and services or who have some involvement in cloud-based solutions and services, So are those with a technical background who need to validate their basic knowledge about cloud services.
This exam can be taken as an optional first step in learning about cloud services and how these concepts are represented by Microsoft Azure, It can be considered as a prelude to exams on Microsoft Azure or Microsoft Cloud Services.

Course outputs
• Introduce participants to cloud services, the types of cloud models, and the types of cloud services.
• Introduce participants to Azure core cloud architectural components, Azure services and products, Azure solutions, and Azure management tools.
• Introduce participants to Azure security, identity, governance, monitoring, reporting, and standards.
• Introduce participants to Azure subscriptions, planning and managing costs, support options, SLAs, and service lifecycles.

• Cloud Basics
• Azure Core Services
• Security, Privacy, Compliance, and Trust
• Azure Pricing and Support