A+ Computer Technician

The CompTIA-accredited A+ course is designed to provide you with the ability to solve all problems related to computers and mobile devices, Through this course, you can troubleshoot computer and mobile device problems more easily and quickly. You can also support application security and identify and protect against security vulnerabilities for devices and their network connections.


The CompTIA-accredited A+ course is designed to provide you with the ability to solve all problems related to computers and mobile devices, Through this course, you can troubleshoot computer and mobile device problems more easily and quickly. You can also support application security and identify and protect against security vulnerabilities for devices and their network connections.
Through the course, you can learn about all types of networks and connections, Windows installation and support such as command line and client support and understanding of all operating systems, In addition to enabling you to install and configure your laptop and other mobile devices, Distinguish between cloud computing concepts and doing client-side virtualization setup.
The A+ course helps you follow best practices related to environmental impacts, safety, accessibility and professionalism, As you will be able to face all the challenges that you may face during your work and use of computers and mobile devices.

Course outputs
• Enable participants to install and support the Windows operating system including the command line, client support, and understanding of Mac OS, Linux, and Mobile OS operating systems
• Enable participants to troubleshoot computer and mobile device issues, including application security support
• Familiarize participants with the types of networks and connections including TCP / IP, WIFI and SOHO
• Enable participants to identify and protect against security vulnerabilities for devices and their network connections
• Enable participants to install and configure laptops and other mobile devices
• Enable participants to differentiate between cloud computing concepts and setup virtualization on the client side
• Enable participants to follow best practices related to safety, environmental impacts, communication and professionalism
• Enable participants to troubleshoot device and network problems

Central Processing Unit
• Random Access Memory
Hard Disk
• Expansion slots in motherboard
Display cards
Power supply
BIOS and Setup
Operating system
• Windows Installation
Disk and file management
• Windows Management
Computer Networks
Command Lines
• Laptops
Virtualization and clouding

مدة الدورة

48 hours

التدريب المتوفر

Remote training, Training hall