Explore the role of training to maximize productivity and efficiency in Saudi Arabia after issuing a decree requiring companies to disclose their training data

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Explore the role of training to maximize productivity and efficiency in Saudi Arabia after issuing a decree requiring companies to disclose their training data

The Ministerial Decree regarding the disclosure of training plans of employees.  

Saudi Minister of Human Resources and Social Development Ahmed Bin Soliman Al-Rajhi approved a decree requiring companies with more than 50 employees to disclose their training data annually on the ministry’s Qiwa portal. 

The Ministerial Decree aims to increase the quality and efficiency of the training programs in the private sector in order to contribute to strengthening workforce capabilities and promoting sustainable opportunities for development and growth.

As per this decree, eligible companies that employ 50 or more workers are obligated to present a detailed summary of training activities by the end of the year. This data should include training hours and any data related to it as well as the number of trainees who have completed their training from the categories of employees, students, fresh graduates or job seekers.

The training period should not be less than eight units per trainee annually, and all establishments must disclose their training plans, training data and training reports that are related to the training activity and the number of trainees and also the total training budget for next year

The Ministry aims, through this decree, to provide clear indicators of training data at the national level and improve the performance and productivity of the workforce. As well as achieving the objectives of the national program to incentivize the private sector training of employees and provide them with the required skills to make them ready for the job market.

The Ministry confirmed that this decree will help to assess analyzing training indicators of the job market. And based on these indicators, it will also be able to collaborate with the private sector to set necessary incentives and adequate policies to raise the quality and efficiency of training programs for employees.

The ministry posted on its website a procedural guide that explain to employers and establishments the disclosure mechanism, training requirements and the penalties stipulated for establishments that violate this decision.

It is noted that the ministry seeks to improve the knowledge, skill and training level of the workforce, to enhance their stability and productivity of the local job market.

The importance of training employees

Training employees pays off from improving their engagement which leads to increasing productivity in the workplace. As the job market is ever changing, the importance of training has become greater than ever.

Training is an essential step that guarantees that employees have the ability to perform their jobs correctly and effectively, and it is also a way to keep your employees updated on the latest trends of the company and best practices related to their roles.

Why is training employees important?

The importance of training goes beyond just ensuring your employees can complete their tasks, but a comprehensive, high-quality training program provides your employees with a greater understanding of your organization’s processes, procedures and goals, and provides them with the knowledge and skills they need to be effective in their roles.

Providing employees with appropriate and constant training is one of the best ways to increase productivity and performance. Organizations that invest in employee training enjoy 11% greater profitability compared to organizations that do not.

In today’s ever changing and highly competitive job market, employees are keen to obtain consistent training that allows them to have a better awareness of their roles and further progress in their careers. A study found that continuous training and development is considered the most main factor that defines an exceptional work environment.

Training can also assist with positively improving company culture for employees as it enhances job satisfaction, and participation and sustainability of development and organizations can decrease turnover rate between employees and increase investment of talent.

Organizational training strategies

All companies need to create educational strategies that allow employees to learn new skills and to become experts in their fields. Also, taking necessary measures towards creating a learning culture is a great method to keep employees engaged in work, another advantage is that the company becomes more capable of adapting to new changes.

– Examples of organizational learning strategies:

The following are seven examples of organizational learning strategies that may inspire your own strategy

 1- Offer the employees the option of joining a mentorship program

Mentorships are a great way to keep employees engaged and learning during their downtime. When it comes to one’s career, mentorships allow the employee to create a personal network, interact with employees that are experts in areas they are not, build communication skills, learn how to deal with obstacles at work, and possibly earn promotions and raises.

2- Encourage peer-to-peer learning by pairing employees

People can also learn a lot together. Peer-to-peer learning consists of employees working together and sharing their knowledge in one-on-one or small groups. Peer-to-peer learning is a more engaging and interactive way of learning because of the collaboration that is required among group members.

3- Empower experts to be instructors

Every department of every company will have an expert. A great learning strategy is to bring these experts to the forefront and have them teach other employees about their expertise. Furthermore, this strategy empowers the experts to be more confident and share even more of their knowledge with their colleagues at work.

4- Use micro learning tactics to reinforce learning

Micro learning is a quicker and cheaper way of learning virtually. This strategy focuses on small, piece of knowledge. This strategy is considered an affordable and quick way of teaching.  

5- Developing learning journeys for employees

Learning journeys focus on helping employees to develop new skills and easily transfer that knowledge to their jobs. Nowadays, and due to corona pandemic, learning online is becoming more popular. It is important to note that a majority of people benefit from learning in a classroom. However, employees do not have a lot of time to sit in a classroom for hours to learn. Additionally, some people have a hard time transferring what they learned into the job. One study showed that only 12% of employees apply what they learn from learning and development programs.

6- Create knowledge WIKI Websites to share what has been learned

A lot of companies have call centers and most common questions sections, however, it is important to secure a help center that can answer all most common questions for employees and be easily accessible. Wiki websites, also known as knowledge bases, allow team members to search for the question they have and find it easily without wasting too much time or looking for a coworker for help.

7- Encourage learning culture by rewards and recognition

 Learning cultures focus on developing employees, which creates a sense of belonging and makes them feel supported by their company. In addition, a learning culture allows them to always search for ways to improve their skills and knowledge

How can employee training boost employee productivity?

Global organizations are increasingly realizing the importance of training to boost employee productivity. But most of these efforts are limited to the initial job training of new employees while neglecting continuous training for the workforce. There is no doubt that employee training offers countless benefits for organizations. In fact, it has become even more and more important due to the constant technological advancements.

Employee training ensures employee satisfaction, which is essential to boost productivity at the workplace. Workplace employees are satisfied when they have all the relevant and required skills to do their jobs more effectively.

اTraining also helps to retain current employees and nurture the talented ones through learning new skills that enables them to innovate fresh processes and provide a new perspective to carry out familiar tasks. Additionally, training saves money as the cost of training an existing employee is lower than the cost of hiring a new employee.

Additionally, job training leads to promoting a life lasting learning culture that eventually maximizes productivity of the employees through further understanding what is expected of them and what determines their success. An environment that optimizes efficiency and competence shall lead to boost productivity of the employees.

Job training is also important for the employees who are preparing for the next level or taking higher positions with more responsibilities. Their training does not only prepare them with the skills and knowledge they need, but also with confidence that the organization values them and thinks highly about their future. This builds trust and loyalty towards the organization and thus increases productivity.   

  • Employee training statistics
  • Statistics show that employee training increases productivity because more engaging in learning processes leads to performance improvement, boosts participation of employees, increases rates of retaining employees, encourages innovative thinking, reduces risks and adds competitive value to organizations.
  • The following statistics demonstrate the importance of proper job training to today’s workplace.
  • 74% of workers are willing to learn new skills or re-train in order to keep their jobs
  • 87% of millennials believe learning and development in the workplace is important
  • 59% of millenials claim development opportunities are extremely important when deciding whether to apply for a position
  •  only 29% of employees are “very satisfied” with their current career advancement opportunities available within their organizations.
  • 34% of employees are very satisfied with their job-specific training even through 41% of them consider it to be very important.
  • 74% of surveyed employees feel they aren’t reaching full potential at work due to lack of development opportunities.
  •  41% of employees consider their organization’s career advancement opportunities a very important factor to their satisfaction. 
  • Consult with experts from Innovation and Creativity Institute

The Innovation and Creativity Institute has many specialized consultants who can offer an expert vision of the problem to the involved individuals and cover all aspects of at least 80% of the most suitable solution in the least period of time. Problem solving can be easily accomplished by implementing standard procedures, non-policy methodology, following initial principles and using non-bias data along with some effective communication and analyzing skills.

The most obvious way to gather information is asking direct questions. This helps you to focus on your data analysis and avoid irrelevant or misleading information.

Innovation and Creativity Institute will provide you with a lot of information that will help you gain in depth knowledge so you may better communicate with your coworkers about the problem on different levels.

Innovation and Creativity Training Institute is your partner in providing innovative training solutions for your employees

As a leader in your field of work, it is important that you acknowledge that your employees are the most important asset in your company. As in the end, it is no secret that the more well trained an employee is, the keener he is to perform his tasks. This is reflected in higher productivity and thus more revenue for the company

At the   Innovation and Creativity Training Institute we offer our special expertise that will help you reach creative training ideas for your staff members that will reshape the required skills that you need to stay competitive in the market. Also, you shall benefit from implementing the most business trends and best approaches that will boost your productivity.

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