Have you started looking for a job yet? Here are some steps that might help you.

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  • Have you started looking for a job yet? Here are some steps that might help you.

We can call the time after graduating from university till entering the work force “the exciting time.” As a fresh graduate. You are closing one chapter in your life and just beginning another one. But, in so many ways searching for work can often feel like a full time job itself.

This transition from being a college student to employment is not easy. There are many mistakes that can be made if you don’t really know what you are looking for

You are now about to enter a completely new and different world, landing your first real job is almost as challenging as real life’s pressures. Here are some practical tips that can help you to land a job after graduation

 1- Have a positive mindset

Projecting positive energy will carry you far in both your interview process and during the first few months of your new job after that.

Nearly at every company, the new employee should be the most supportive, enthusiastic and eager to learn employee of all. So, you have to focus on your work and what you have to offer to your new company.

2- include your skills and experience in your resume

It is essential to know what to add or not to add to your resume. The question is: do you really need to include all the jobs you have ever had on your resume? The answer is no you don’t. A resume should not be a full list of all your jobs, but rather, it is a summary of your most relevant work experiences, skills and education.

3- creating strong work ethics

Your work ethics can be recognized by your commitment to pursue excellence and dedication to every task that is assigned to you. This includes demonstrating professionalism, delivering high quality work within set deadlines and remaining positive towards work.  Consistency in your work ethics can take you much further and draw the attention of both your colleagues and higher management towards you.

4- Own your career path

No one will care about your career more than yourself. So it is up to you to identify your career path from the start.  Every company is different and may not always offer official professional training or proper educational programs. Thus, you must be proactive in planning your professional life and setting your career goals on your own. 

 5- Go further than that

The only thing that will draw the attention of your colleagues is inserting your best efforts over and over again. This includes arriving on time for work, staying late to finish a project on time, or offering to lend a helping hand to your colleagues.

In the end, it is up to you to find the most comfortable balance between your personal life and your work. But putting in your best effort always will define you as a highly valuable employee and have a positive impact on your relationship with your superiors on the long run.

6- start making connections before graduation

Start networking with as much relevant people as possible in your desired career field before graduation.  This will enhance your opportunities for landing a job in your designated field, as those who know someone internally from that particular line of work, are more likely to obtain a more preferable role than others who only apply through a job advertisement. 

7- Prepare for work

One of the problems that usually face employers of fresh graduates is spending a lot of time in teaching these new employees the basics about getting hired: such as arriving on time, how to dress appropriately for work, preparing for meetings, completing tasks within a set deadline, cooperation, communication…… etc.

8- Show your employer that you are hungry to work

Take the time to learn your role well and ask for more than that. That is, you must show your new employer that you have a hunger for work so that once you have started the learning process, you are also   actually engaging in work by offering to help with projects, staying late, showing up early, taking on additional challenges, or even suggesting new projects.

9- Look beyond your university certificate

Most graduates cannot see and think beyond their certificates. They think they can only find work related to their course of study. Surely  certificates will allow newly graduates to secure certain positions,  but they must not be used as limitations in their careers especially if they are interested in another line of work

 In general, many entry-level positions require a bachelor’s degree but moving ahead in your career comes from gaining actual experience and not from your degree, so,  just don’t be afraid to take other routes.

10- Be confident but humble

Fresh graduates usually come with new education and new perspectives. Nevertheless, whereas recruiters need to sense confidence and assurance in new employees, they also need to see openness to learning and willingness to improve.

 While displaying all necessary qualifications for the job, the new graduate needs to also demonstrate that he is humble enough to ask questions as well. Both virtues should be aligned together.

If you find yourself unemployed after graduation, don’t worry. It was the same for most of us. It will always be a challenging and daunting task for anyone to find a job right after graduation due to high competitiveness in today’s market. Sometimes you will be very productive for weeks, other times you will be just the opposite.

it’s about finding a healthy balance and not imposing too much pressure on yourself throughout the process of searching for a job. If you are exhausted its alright to take a break for a couple of days, then come back ready for more.

So, yes, it may not be sunshine and rainbows for many, and that’s okay, the process of searching for a job can just be very difficult at times and can undoubtedly cause a lot of unwanted stress. However, the key to success is patience and consistency.

Just stay committed to your process and treat every failed application or interview as a learning experience, seek feedback from the colleagues, mentors and recruiters you talk to, identify where improvements can be made and focus on trying to address them in the next opportunity that comes along.

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