Administrative skills for managers and supervisors

general goal What cannot be measured cannot be managed, and what cannot be managed and cannot be developed. “Thus, the world of management, Peter Draker summarized the importance of looking and defining every institution looking for leadership in its field a set of standards and indicators that show the institution the extent of its progress in achieving its goals, and approaching its vision. The institutions are devoted to a great time and effort and spend a lot of financial and human resources to measure the performance associated with achieving the strategic goals. It is that (9) organizations out of every ten (10) fail to apply these strategic goals
subsidiary goals
  • Understand and comprehend the concepts of monitoring, evaluation and management by measurement and key performance indicators
  • Transforming the strategic plan into measurable objectives and key performance indicators to follow up on the implementation of the strategic plan
  • Designing and managing an integrated system of key performance indicators to measure the success of the organization in various aspects

Using and measuring the results of key performance indicators and linking them to the integrated performance measurement system

Course themes
  • What is planning and its importance
  • Operational planning to implement strategic objectives
  • Tools and steps to follow up the implementation of operational goals
  • Dealing with performance issues while achieving operational goals
  • Lean Management tools to increase the efficiency of implementing operational goals
  • What are the key performance indicators
  • The importance and benefits of using performance indicators
  • performance indicator card
  • Types of performance indicators
  • Targets and polarity of performance indicators
  • Performance indicators according to the balanced scorecards
  • Common problems when developing and managing KPIs
  • Criteria for selecting performance indicators
  • Link performance indicators to team performance management
  • Review the results of performance indicators with the team
  • Setting goals and performance indicators on a personal level
  • What is priority management and time management?
  • Priority Criteria: Urgent and important
  • The Pareto method for managing priorities
  • Procrastination problems and methods of treatment
  • Organizing the actual and virtual workplace

Effective delegation in order to manage priorities