advanced excel

general goal In this course, we will learn the skills of advanced laziness so that we will analyze data in an advanced way and extract results to make the right and appropriate decision using advanced mathematical formulas and use the options necessary to analyze data and get an answer to the most complex questions.
subsidiary goals o Introduction to MS Excel

o Introducing participants to the importance of MS Excel in daily life

o Enable participants to understand MS Excel and all its information.

o Giving participants the skills required to use Excel proficiently.

Course themes or introduction.

o Introduction to Microsoft Excel.

o Work with advanced associations.

o Data analysis.

o Working with data.

o Work with data analysis tools.

o Create and work with PivotTables.

o Use advanced filters.

o Work with macros.

o Using PowerPivot.

o Advanced conditional formatting.

o Mathematical formulas and functions (time and date functions, statistical functions and financial functions).

o Database functions.

o Filtering and sorting data and creating financial statements.

o Search functions.

o macro.

o Scenarios and what-if analysis.

o Detecting, correcting and validating errors.

o Introduction to VBA and linking it to Excel.