CEH Certified Ethical Hacker

The CEH Certified Ethical Hacker course is designed to enable the participant to understand information systems, networks, protection and security systems, During the course, the participant will be introduced to the most important security threats facing network and information systems and advanced attack vectors. The latest hacking techniques.

The CEH Certified Ethical Hacker course is designed to enable the participant to understand information systems, networks, protection and security systems, During the course, the participant will be introduced to the most important security threats facing network and information systems and advanced attack vectors. The latest hacking techniques.
During the course, the participant will be introduced to the most important methodologies, tools, tricks, and security measures to be followed to identify weaknesses in the targeted information systems, using the tools used by the hacker to assess the security situation of the system, Where the participant will be trained practically in advanced laboratories and interactive sessions on each theoretical topic.

Course outputs
• Learn the main issues that threaten and affect information security, incident management, and penetration tests.
• Learn the different types of fingerprints, fingerprint tools, and countermeasures.
• Learn network scanning techniques and countermeasures.
• Learn enumeration techniques and countermeasures.
• Learn the methodology of hacking systems, steganography, masking attacks, and cover tracks.
• Learn the different types of Trojan horse code, their analysis, and countermeasures.
• Learn to analyze viruses and computer worms, As well as perform malware analysis and countermeasures.
• Learn the techniques of packet data passing through networks and how to protect them.
• Learn social engineering techniques, identify theft, and counter social engineering.
• Learn DoS / DDoS attack techniques, botnets, and DDoS attack tools, and countermeasures.
• Learn hijacking techniques and countermeasures.
Learn the different types of web server attacks, attack methodology, and countermeasures.
Learn the different types of web application attacks, web application hacking methodology, and countermeasures.
• Learn SQL injection attacks and detection tools.
• learn wireless coding, wireless hacking methodology, wireless hacking tools, and Wi-Fi security tools.
• Learn attack on mobile devices, vulnerabilities of the Android operating system, and Mobile Security Guidelines.
• learn firewall techniques, IDS, honeypot, evasion tools, and countermeasures.
• Learn various cloud computing concepts, threats, attacks, technologies, and security tools.
Learn the different types of ciphers, public key infrastructure (PKI), encryption attacks, and cryptanalysis tools.
• Learn the different types of penetration testing, security audit, assess points and weaknesses, and a penetration testing map.
• Learn how to analyze vulnerability to identify security vulnerabilities in target networks, communications infrastructure and end systems.
• Learn the various threats facing IoT platforms and learn how to defend IoT devices safely.

• Introduction to Ethical Hacking
Footprinting and Reconnaissance
• Scanning Networks Enumeration
• Vulnerability Analysis
System Hacking
Malware Threats
• Sniffing
Social Engineering
Denial of Service
• Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots
Web Attacks
• Hacking Wireless Networks
• Hacking Mobile Platforms
• IOT Hacking and OT hacking
Cloud Computing
• Cryptography

مدة الدورة

48 hours

التدريب المتوفر

Remote training