Credit management and debt collection

general goal A training course designed specifically to qualify the trainees of business owners, managers and employees to learn about the most important principles and methods of collecting financial dues and overdue debts, Clarifying the skills that must be available and acquired for the collection officials, Steps and means of collecting receivables and debts from creditors who are unwilling to pay and bad and bad debts. This training course also provides practical explanations of the importance of customer databases, updating and analyzing them. In addition to collection and methods of measurement, And how to prepare and read performance measures.
subsidiary goals
  • Understanding and defining credit
  • evaluation ability
  • realization of strategies
  • credit control
  • Decision making.
Course themes
  • Introduction, concepts and definitions
  • The importance of credit and risk
  • credit and debt recovery policy
  • Credit, assessment and collection
  • Credit reports and analysis
  • credit and fraud
  • Credit standards, standards, management and reports
  • tools used in credit management

Standards of professionalism in credit management