Customer Service and Sales

general goal In an era in which various social and electronic means of communication cause the challenges and difficulties faced by contemporary institutions to increase day after day, The task of attracting new customers is no longer the only concern of the company’s management and employees. The task of retaining customers has also become very important. And a challenge at the height of difficulty.


subsidiary goals o Applying various strategies and tools that will increase the degree of customer satisfaction and retention

o Applying market segmentation strategies and targeting customers through various marketing communications

o Benefit marketingly and strategically from the current situation facing the world after the challenges of the Corona crisis

o Positive strategic dealings with all types of customers and persuading them to serve the company’s objectives

Course themes o The economics of customer loyalty.

o Customer loyalty and corporate reputation.

o What is customer loyalty?

o How do we benefit from the current situation? (The mindset of turning problems into opportunities).

o What is the value and quality, And how to build credibility.

o Segmentation strategies – market segmentation.

o Strategies for developing customer accounts.

o Client Persona

or types of clients

o A compelling (value proposition) industry

o New characteristics of customer behavior

o The law of exchange and its use in marketing influence.

o The law of contrast for marketing persuasion.

o Use compliance and continuity law to your advantage.

o The power of social proof and its relationship to marketing.

o Using the law of scarcity for persuasion.

o The Law of Reliability Authority and Love in Psychological Influence.

o Choose an appropriate message for the audience and the means of communication.

o Developing an electronic social communication strategy.

o E-Relationships