Data analysis and business intelligence

general goal This virtual course will provide practical training in business intelligence (BI), To allow you to arrange, normalize, and interpret large amounts of data. To be able to establish historical relationships, analyze the current situation and predict future strategies. The application of BI business intelligence has no limits. It covers operational, tactical and strategic business decisions, It extends to all departments and to all users who perform data curation, reporting, analysis, modeling, integration and automation.
subsidiary goals o Enhance Excel business intelligence (BI) expertise in interpreting and detailing data, and data collection and modeling

o Processing, integrating and using data in preparing reports and analysis processes

o Developing business intelligence models, control panels, scorecards and managing reports by linking Excel with text programs or other Excel files

o Create advanced reports based on dynamic presentation methods and techniques

Course themes o Fundamentals of Statistics.

o What are the statistics?

o Types of statistics.

o Data collection techniques.

o Data analysis tools and techniques.

o Consolidate data from separate files and sheets.

o Advanced data validation using lists, dates, and custom validation.

or subtotal, sumif, sumifs, product, count, countif, countifs

o Search for data, text and values ​​using vlookup

o Divide dates into day names, weeks, week numbers, months, years and quarters.

o Text to columns and dynamic trimming using cut and soft.

o Manage text and numbers using replace, find and replace.

o Text change functions.

o Develop models – business intelligence – control panels.

o Scorecards – Manage reports.

o By linking Excel with text programs.

o By linking the excel program with other excel files.

o Create advanced reports based on dynamic presentation methods and techniques