Digital Forensic Investigation and Computer Hacking (CHFI).

The Digital Forensic Investigation and Computer Penetration (CHFI) program is a comprehensive course covering key cases of anti-hacking operations and techniques, attacking networks and databases, and penetration testing to enable trainees to gain practical experience in this field.

The Digital Forensic Investigation and Computer Penetration (CHFI) program is a comprehensive course covering key cases of anti-hacking operations and techniques, attacking networks and databases, and penetration testing to enable trainees to gain practical experience in this field.
The course provides basic knowledge of key concepts and practices in the areas of cybercrime and dealing with digital evidence as appropriate to current organisations. In addition to areas of investigation of digital attacks.

Course outputs
• Learn about the digital forensic investigation process for penetration testing and combating piracy.
• Learn analytical techniques for file systems and operating systems as well as dealing with digital evidence and attacks on networks, databases, websites, and e-mail.
• Learn techniques to investigate the cloud, malware, and cellular devices.
• Learn how to acquire and analyze data in addition to digital forensic investigation techniques.
• Understanding the sequence of criminal seizures, digital forensic investigation report, As well as presentations.

• Computer Forensics in Today’s World
• Computer Forensics Investigation Process
• Understanding Hard Disks and File Systems
• Operating System Forensics
• Defeating Anti-Forensics Techniques
• Data Acquisition and Duplication
• Network Forensics
• Investigating Web Attacks
• Database Forensics
• Cloud Forensics
• Malware Forensics
• Investigating Email Crimes
• Mobile Forensics
• Investigative Reports