Digital transformation strategy

general goal Digital transformation is a hot topic – but what exactly is it and what does it mean for businesses? in this session, We talk about digital transformation in two ways. Firstly, The course illustrates the pace of change and the inevitability it creates for businesses. secondly, The course provides the context for this transformation and what it takes to win in the digital age. Then he guides the trainees through the DT framework.
subsidiary goals
  • Explain how to balance core digitization and create new digital growth.
  • Explain how design thinking can help companies digitalize their core.
  • Describe and explain the digital transformation framework.
  • Determines the appropriate approach to business strategy given the characteristics of the business environment.
Course themes
  • Fourth Industrial Revolution.
  • The concept of digitization and digital transformation.
  • Business model revolution driven by technology trends.
  • The exponential evolution of technology.
  • technology disruption.
  • Environmental analysis and the competitive life cycle.
  • Embark on your digital transformation programme.
  • Communication technology trends.
  • Innovative business models.
  • Processes and Methods – Design Thinking and Lean Startup.
  • Agile methodology and key characteristics vs. water fall methodology.
  • From Literacy to Transformation – Building Digital Competence.
  • Evaluate company culture and technology.
  • Workshop.
  • Big data and artificial intelligence in digital transformation.
  • IoT Deployments for Communications in Digital Transformation.
  • API and supporting ecosystem.
  • Cloud computing transformation.
  • Cybersecurity and data monetization.
  • Adopting digital transformation.
  • Organizational structure and mindset.
  • Adopt the Agile methodology.
  • Data management and strategy.