ECSA Certified Security Analyst

The Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) course has designed how to use equipment and techniques that enable you to apply your skills acquired after passing the CEH course through a data penetration testing methodology that deals with databases, system security and software system, The course also covers requirements for hacking methodology.

The Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) course has designed how to use equipment and techniques that enable you to apply your skills acquired after passing the CEH course through a data penetration testing methodology that deals with databases, system security and software system, The course also covers requirements for hacking methodology.
The course also aims to present a set of comprehensive and recognizable methodologies that are able to cover different pentesting requirements across different sectors, The acquired skills will also be reinforced through exercises covering real-world scenarios, to prepare you as a professional to detect security threats to organizations.

Course outputs
• Introduce participants to a repeatable and measurable method for penetration testing
• Learn how to perform advanced techniques and attacks to define SQL Injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), LFI, RFI in web applications
• Learn how to submit a professional report and industry acceptance achieves management and technical approval
• Access to EC-Board’s proprietary penetration testing methodologies
• Learn how to write exploit codes to gain access to a vulnerable system or application
• Learn how to exploit vulnerabilities in operating systems such as Windows and Linux
• Enable participants to perform privilege escalation to gain root access to the system
• Introducing participants to “outside the box” and “lateral” thinking
Ensure the integrity and value of the penetration test certificate, The fully online, remote certification exam

• Basic concepts of penetration testing
• An introduction to penetration testing and its methodologies
• Penetration testing and engagement methodology
• open source intelligence methodology
• Penetration Testing Methodology in Social Engineering
• Network Penetration Testing Methodology – External
• Network Penetration Testing Methodology – Internal
• Network Penetration Testing Methodology – Peripherals
• Web Application Penetration Testing Methodology
• Database Penetration Testing Methodology
• Wireless Penetration Testing Methodology
• Cloud penetration testing methodology
• Writing reports and post-test procedures