Facilities and services management

general goal This course is based on the use of individual and group exercises with the aim of helping participants learn all major facilities management planning activities, She also used a number of case studies, presentations, and role-plays. Followed by plenary discussions and assessment tests before and after the course.
subsidiary goals
  • Define the foundations of facilities management and understand facilities management strategies
  • Illustrate considerations in facility planning
  • Understanding of service delivery and performance management
  • Adopt best practices in managing the facility management function
  • Understand the role of project management and maintenance in facilities management
Course themes
  • Facilities management.
  • Stakeholder management.
  • getting help from external sources.
  • Supply of materials and services for facilities management.
  • Performance Management.
  • Introduction to materials planning and inventory management.
  • Various costs in material pricing (raw materials, transportation, production, Insurance).
  • Signals to trigger the buying process.
  • Determine specifications.
  • Determine the sources of supply and locate them.
  • Selection of suppliers and method of supply.
  • Types of supplier relationships.
  • Manage and maintain supplier relationships in a good manner
  • Types of contractual agreements
  • Aspects of agreements (such as terms of credit, price, and delivery options)
  • negotiation process, And how to negotiate with the supplier?
  • Contracting process: How to create a strong contract with the supplier.
  • Determine which steps take a long time.
  • Making the internal process faster and more efficient.
  • Reducing the overall purchasing cycle time.
  • limits of powers