Fighting financial crimes

general goal The security environment has been affected in the recent period by the entry of new elements into the societal environment. such as the technological revolution represented by the communications and information revolution, changes in economic structures, social values ​​and trends resulting from the spread of the concept of globalization, Which resulted in the emergence of many advanced criminal phenomena, Of which what is ancient in a modern style, Including what is modern about its origin and emergence.
subsidiary goals
  • What are the new crimes? And the reasons for its emergence and the factors of its emergence.
  • the most important organized crime organizations, main activities, and auxiliary activities.
  • the special nature of the crime of human trafficking, the most vulnerable groups, And the most important methods used.
  • stages of illegal money laundering activities, And the special features of those in charge of the confrontation.
  • Being able to build an integrated strategy to combat the new crime that they are assigned to.
Course themes
  • Introduction, concepts and definitions
  • Types of financial crimes
  • The legal framework for combating financial crimes
  • Evaluation of financial risk management and dealing with it
  • Anti-money laundering Anti-fraud and financial corruption
  • information space security, data rights
  • Methods of investigating financial crimes and means of combating them
  • Types of evidence and methods of collecting it
  • Risk governance and international agreements
  • Tools and methodologies for combating financial crimes