financial analysis

general goal Financial analysis is one of the most important tools on which financial decision-makers in institutions depend. It is the cornerstone of providing the most useful and beneficial financial statements in rationalizing decisions. The importance of financial analysis is not limited to the management of the institution only, Rather, it exceeded it to the shareholders and creditors because of their interests that require obtaining adequate information about the company and the soundness of its financial position.
subsidiary goals
  • Identify the important elements in the basic financial statements.
  • Analysis of financial statements, including comparative analysis of financial statements, vertical analysis and trend analysis.
  • Analysis of financial data ratios related to profitability and activity, and credit.
  • Financial statement fraud and creative accounting.
  • Learn about preparing financial reports and evaluating the financial situation.
Course themes
  • The concept of financial analysis and its objectives.
  • The parties are users of the financial statements.
  • The difference between traditional financial analysis and advanced financial analysis.
  • Characteristics of information used in financial analysis.
  • Familiarize yourself with the financial statements of the institution.
  • Using financial analysis to find out the prevailing financial situation in the organization.
  • Comparative analysis of the financial statements.
  • trend analysis.
  • vertical analysis.
  • Horizontal analysis.
  • Financial analysis using ratios.
  • Liquidity ratios.
  • activity ratios.
  • profitability ratios.
  • indebtedness ratios.
  • market ratios.
  • Measuring the profitability of the enterprise and its ability to fulfill its obligations.
  • Preparing financial forecasts.
  • Corporate financial planning.
  • Financial Supervision.