Financial risk management

general goal Risk management is currently considered one of the most important sciences in the field of project management, as it is concerned with identifying and measuring the risks to which the establishment is exposed, whether it is industrial, commercial or even financial. However, risk management differs from one facility to another according to the nature and specificity of the field in which it operates. Institutions manage financial risks, which includes carrying out activities to identify and measure the risks to which the enterprise is exposed.
subsidiary goals
  • An overview of the basics of corporate financial risk management.
  • How to identify and quantify potential risks that affect the operational procedures and the financial position of the organization.
  • Understanding the relationship between risk and return and creating an effective investment portfolio.
  • Learn about the best techniques for financial risk management strategies.
Course themes
  • The main definitions of risks and their types.
  • Risk identification mechanisms and their sources.
  • Risks of companies listed in the financial market.
  • The concept of risk management process.
  • VaR and return on risk-adjusted capital.
  • financial risk forecasting.
  • Compliance management and its responsibility in risk management.
  • Learn about the types of financial risks and the concept of each.
  • Operational risk.
  • Commercial, regulatory and legal risks.
  • financial reporting risks.
  • Indicators of the occurrence of financial risks.
  • Factors necessary to identify and quantify risk.
  • Prepare a risk register.
  • Financial planning and its role in dealing with financial risks.
  • Create an appropriate environment and sound policies and procedures for risk management.
  • Factors necessary for the success of preparing the plan.
  • The role of stakeholders in preparing the plan.
  • The means and techniques used.
  • Contents of the risk management activity plan.
  • Identify and define risk alarms and indicators.
  • Financial reserve management to address risks.