Internal control and reporting

general goal This interactive training course deals with internal control work and strategies for examining and evaluating the structure of internal control systems in institutions. Evaluating and implementing best practices in the field of internal control, And its impact on external auditors in audit planning, performance and transfer. This course seeks to provide you with the necessary knowledge to understand the internal control environment, the roles and responsibilities of the relevant stakeholders, Through your understanding of the role of governance and performance control systems.
subsidiary goals
  • Understanding of the internal control environment.
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of parties inside and outside the organization.
  • Understand control systems and their types.
  • Learn techniques for monitoring and evaluating internal controls.
Course themes
  • The concept of the internal control system.
  • Types of internal control system.
  • Objectives of the internal control system.
  • Principles of internal control systems and internal control.
  • Roles and responsibilities in internal control.
  • internal controls.
  • Elements of an effective control system.
  • Administrative control system.
  • Organizational and administrative procedures for the internal control system.
  • Accounting control system: Cash – advances – assets.
  • Internal control systems and error and fraud handling.
  • General procedures of the internal control system.
  • continuous monitoring.
  • Performance oversight.
  • The auditor’s responsibility for studying and evaluating the internal control system.
  • The conditions that allow the internal audit to develop the internal control system.
  • Methods and means of examining and evaluating the internal control system.
  • Performance evaluation.
  • performance appraisal issues.
  • Elements and steps of the performance appraisal system.
  • The impact of the evaluation of the internal control system on the design of the audit program.
  • The relationship between the internal auditor and the external auditor.
  • Application to create an internal control system.