Leadership for managers

general goal This course on Creative Strategic Planning and Leadership is designed to provide leaders and professionals with a set of transformational tools and techniques to help them maximize their creativity and the capabilities of their team in a strategic context. The starting point is self-discovery: Participants will work inward first and then go outward to influence the business world.
subsidiary goals
  • Understand how to discover and focus the creativity of teams and individuals.
  • Understand the link between executive management and strategy.
  • Align responsibilities and goals with your organization’s strategy.
  • Improve personal leadership and managerial competencies.
Course themes
  • Leadership reality assessment
  • Leadership versus management
  • Understanding our brain function
  • Creativity legends
  • The limitations of rationality
  • Different approaches to solving problems
  • Abandon logic
  • Identical thinking patterns
  • convergent and divergent patterns
  • Sigmoid curve life cycle model
  • continuous improvement
  • The critical step for change
  • Self-awareness and the nature of the ego
  • Personal goal matching
  • Adaptation and innovation: Personal preferences to create meaning
  • Exploring attitudes toward risk
  • Right and left brain thinking
  • The six thinking hats
  • Use different thinking styles
  • Johari window
  • Business plan process and vision creation
  • Harness the power of the team
  • Organizational culture and its impact on innovation
  • Letting go of ego

Work with different creative preferences