Results based management

general goal Censorship is one of the most important fields of scientific research in the current era. This is because of its great importance at the level of organizations in various fields. Studies indicate the importance of administrative control in improving the performance and productivity of employees. And develop their capabilities and make them aware of its importance in improving the overall performance of the institution. Oversight controls actions and directs capabilities. And strengthening the role of employees in the success of the objectives of the institution. Functional performance is also considered one of the most important components in the elements of the organization.
subsidiary goals
  • Performance theories and knowledge of performance measurement methods
  • Errors caused by the evaluation parties
  • The role of the administrative auditor in the administrative unit

Steps of the administrative audit process and preparing evaluation plans

Course themes
  • What is administrative oversight and auditing?
  • management control methods
  • sources of administrative control
  • Characteristics of an effective control system
  • The nature of job performance
  • Elements and determinants of job performance
  • job performance theories
  • Performance measurement methods and considerations to be taken into account when evaluating performance
  • Errors caused by the parties to perform the functions
  • How to prepare performance appraisal plans
  • The nature of inspection and audit
  • Job descriptions and tasks
  • How to search
  • Inspection and audit ethics
  • inspection obstacles
  • Inspection and audit scenarios
  • Technical and administrative inspection and audit reports
  • Types of audit and its purposes
  • Basic rules for auditing
  • The role of the auditor and the auditor
  • Steps in the administrative audit process