The art of dealing with the public

general goal Acquiring excellence skills in customer service, dealing with complaints and objections of upset customers, and gaining their satisfaction.
subsidiary goals o The trainee should know the client and its importance.

o The trainee should know the communication skills to understand the customer.

o The trainee learns to analyze the personality of customers.

o To know the trainee to solve problems.

o That the trainee learn how to calm down annoying customers.

Course themes o Learn the basics that bring you closer to the hearts and minds of others.

o The necessary skills to deal with customers.

o Phrases to be avoided when dealing with customers.

o Speaking and persuasion skills that you must possess.

o How to persuade others to do what you want.

o Easy entrances to minds and hearts.

o Respect and appreciation.

o Tolerance and the search for excuses.

o Understand the other person’s point of view.

o Find common factors.

o Admiration and sincere praise.

o Address noble motives.

o Save the names of those you meet.

o Keep smiling.

o Skills in the art of service and dealing with customers.

or reception.

or appearance.